February, 1994; Revised April 11, 2013
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, Education. AICCU-ED is an affiliate of the California Council on Teacher Education (CCTE).
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to support non-profit Independent California colleges and universities committed to preparing teachers, administrators, counselors, and other educators working in P-12 educational settings.
- To assist teacher educators in becoming more effective within the profession;
- To facilitate communication and dissemination of information on the education of teachers;
- To provide opportunities for collaboration on relevant policies and issues of concern to institutional members.
Article III – Membership
Section I – Membership
Membership is institutional and open to any non-profit Independent California college or university with a teacher education program. Institutional membership provides for all individuals employed in the training of educators at member institutions to be voting members of AICCU-ED.
Section II – Annual Membership Fee
The annual membership fee shall be established by the Executive Committee. Announcement of the membership fee and payment information will be included in the CCTE Institutional Membership Fee for Private/Independent Institutions information sent to all institutions by the CCTE Executive Secretary. The form, sent in early summer for the following academic year, includes the announcement of membership fees for CCTE and two affiliates, AICCU-ED and California Association of Professors of Special Education/Teacher Education (CAPSE). The Executive Secretary of CCTE collects AICCU-ED membership fees and forwards funds, as well as a list of member institutions, to the AICCU-ED Treasurer.
Section III – Good Standing
An institution is considered to be in “good standing” at the point the membership fee is paid. Good standing provides for individuals employed in that institution to stand for election to AICCU-ED offices at the Spring Business/General Meeting.
Section IV – Membership Meetings
AICCU-ED shall hold a Business/General Membership Meeting twice a year (fall and spring) prior to the First SIGs/Opening Session of the CCTE Conference. At the Spring Business/General Membership Meeting, offices shall be elected.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1 – Officers
The officers of the organization shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary; Treasurer; Past-President, three (3) Representatives elected from geographic regions, and one (1) or more representatives elected to fill specific functions within the organization as determined by the Board (see Section V – Duties and Functions).
Section II – Eligibility
Any individuals employed in the training of educators at a member institution in good standing are eligible to hold office as an officer in the organization.
Section III – Voting members
All individuals employed in the training of educators at a member institution in “good standing” are eligible to vote for officers.
Section IV – Terms of Office
The term of office for all officers shall be two years. Elections shall take place at the Spring Business/General Meeting with election of offices staggered so that only half of all offices are elected in any given year.
Each officer shall be eligible to hold the same office for two consecutive terms. An officer who has served more than half a term is considered to have served a full term in officer. The Past President is eligible to run for any office.
Section V – Duties and Functions
President: The President shall call and conduct meetings of the Board and the General Membership (Fall and Spring Business/General Membership Meetings), appoint committee members; serve as official spokesperson for AICCU-ED, and perform other duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee. As an affiliate of CCTE, the President represents AICCU-ED on the CCTE Board.
President-Elect: The President-Elect shall coordinate programs for the fall and spring conferences and oversee nominations and elections. Should the presidency become vacant, the President-Elect shall serve as President for the remainder of the term and perform duties of the President in accordance with these Bylaws.
Past President: The Past President shall represent AICCU-ED on the CCTE Policy Board and assist the President and President-Elect as requested.
Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all AICCU-ED Board Meetings and Fall and Spring Business/General Meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of the minutes to the AICCU-ED Board at Board Meetings and to the general membership at the Fall and Spring Business/General Meetings. The Secretary shall be the keeper of all records, reports, archives, and documents, excluding those assigned to the Treasurer.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds, disburse monies for authorized organizational expenses, maintain accurate financial records, prepare all financial reports, sign all orders or checks for disbursement of funds and distribute the membership roster. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the membership and shall distribute an updated roster to members on an annual basis.
Representatives: The Representatives shall represent the interests and needs of independent colleges and universities teacher education programs in their geographic region as well as be willing to take on additional duties as assigned by the Executive Committee. Representatives shall be elected from AICCU-ED institutions in each of the following geographic areas:
- Northern California Representative
- Central California Representative
- Southern California Representative
Representatives will be elected, as determined by the AICCU-ED, to fill specific functions that support the organization, the needs and interests of its member institutions, and its mission:
- At-Large Representative
- AICCU Representative
- Webmaster
- Legislative Tracker
Articles V – AICCU-ED Board
Section I – Composition
The AICCU-ED Board shall be composed of the officers as listed in Article IV.
Section II – Duties and Functions
The AICCU-ED Board shall conduct the business of the organization and be responsive to the interests and needs of the membership. Its responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the duties and functions listed below:
- To establish policy;
- To send a representative to the meetings of the California Council of the Education of Teachers (CCTE) who will report back to the AICCU-ED membership (President to Board of Directors; Past President to Policy Board; others as determined/required);
- To meet at least twice a year;
- To adopt an annual budget;
- To approve expenditures authorized by the budget;
- To establish a dues policy;
- To maintain membership;
- To conduct workshops;
- To establish committees as needed;
- To represent organizational position on issues and communicate those views to appropriate constituents.
Section III – Meetings
The AICCU-ED Board shall meet as a Board at least twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring prior to and/or following the AICCU-ED Business/General Meeting. Additional meetings can be called by the President or by majority vote of the Board.
Section IV – Quorum
A quorum shall consist of simple majority of the elected Board officers.
Article VI – Executive Committee
Section I – Composition
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President.
Section II – Duties and Functions
The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the organization as required between regular business meetings (fall and spring) when a meeting of the full Board cannot be called in a timely manner.
Section III – Quorum
A quorum shall consist of four (4) voting members of the Executive Committee.
Article VII – Elections
Section I – Nominations and Elections
The President-Elect, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a Nominations and Elections Committee. The Committee shall present a slate of nominees to the Executive Committee of vacant offices and office due for re-election due to term limits. The slate shall give due regard to the distribution of nominees by geography and type of institution being represented.
Nominations shall also be accepted from the membership at the Spring Business/General Meeting prior to the election. Officers and Representatives shall be elected by a majority vote of those members voting. Note: Election of offices shall be staggered so that only half of all AICCU-ED offices are elected in any given year.
Section II – Responsibilities of the Nominations and Elections Committee
The responsibilities of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be:
- To issue a call for nominations for each Board office due for election at the two Business/General Meetings prior to the election.
- To prepare, distribute, and receive ballots for all general and special elections, if the Board elects to use written ballots.
- Present the slate to the members at the Spring Business/General Meeting.
- To appoint two (2) AICCU-ED members who are not candidates for the elections to tally ballots, certify the election, and report the results if written ballots are used or to verify vote if voice vote is held.
Section III – Vacancies
In the event of vacant offices, the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Board may appoint individuals from the regular membership to complete the terms of office or may solicit nominations and place nominations on the ballot for election at the next Spring Business/General Meeting.
Articles VIII – Rules of Order
Section I – Amendments
Amendments or changes to these Bylaws may be proposed by the AICCU-ED Board, AICCU-ED Executive Committee, or by any group of ten regular members attested by their signatures. Proposed amendments must be circulated to the membership at a Business/General Meeting and feedback, suggestions accepted prior to the Business/General Meeting where a vote will be taken. The Bylaws shall be amended by a simple majority vote of the regular members voting in a regularly called Business/General Meeting (fall or spring).
Section II – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be in effect during all meetings, except when in conflict with these Bylaws.